Thursday, September 06, 2007

Angus Reid Forum survey on Saskatchewan issues making the rounds again; may belong to the Saskatchewan Party

Another Angus Reid Forum survey focusing on Saskatchewan issues is making the rounds again. Some of the questions appear to be identical to a June 11, 2007, survey that I believe was later attributed to the Saskatchewan Party. This one could belong to them as well.

Overall, do you feel things in the Province of Saskatchewan are generally going in the right direction, or do you feel things have gotten off on the wrong track?

Please select one response only.

Strongly right direction

Somewhat right direction

Somewhat wrong track

Strongly wrong track

Don’t Know

What do you feel is the most important issue facing Saskatchewan that your provincial political representatives should deal with in the next three to six months?

Please select one response only.


Infrastructure / Roads

Health care - Wait times

Economy / Business issues

Murdoch Carriere case

More doctors

Deficit reduction

Government accountability

Health care issues - General

Aboriginal issues

Crown corporations – Protecting / Not Privatizing

Crime and justice issues

Agriculture / Farming issues


Equalization payments

Promoting Saskatchewan

Population Decline / Brain drain

Daycare and children issues

Jobs/ Employment rate

Environmental issues

Natural resources issues

Education issues

Property taxes

Some Other Issue

No Issue(s)

Don't know

Do you have a favourable or unfavourable impression of the following provincial party leaders?

Please select one response for each item.

Very favourable

Somewhat favourable

Somewhat unfavourable

Very unfavourable

Don’t know / No Opinion

Brad Wall

Lorne Calvert

David Karwacki

Based on how you feel right now, if a provincial election were held tomorrow, which party’s candidate would you most likely vote for in your area?

Please select one response only.

The Saskatchewan Party


The Liberal Party

Or Some Other Party’s candidate (Please specify)

Don’t Know / Undecided

Will Not Vote / Will Spoil Ballot

Will Not Say

Would you say that your vote for this party is definite, likely or just leaning?

Please select one response only.




Don’t Know

And, who would be your second choice?

Please select one response only.

The Liberal Party candidate

The Saskatchewan Party candidate

Or Some Other Party’s candidate (Please specify)

Don’t Know / Undecided

Will Not Vote / Will Spoil Ballot

Will Not Say

Of the following provincial political parties and options, are there any that you would never vote for?

Please select all that apply.

Liberal Party

Saskatchewan Party

An Independent Candidate

No – I am open to voting for any of the above.

Over the last few months, has your impression of the performance of the following provincial leaders and parties changed?

Please select one response for each item.

Much Improved

Somewhat Improved

Stayed about the same

Somewhat Worse

Much Worse

Don’t Know / No opinion

Lorne Calvert and the NDP

David Karwacki and the Liberal party.

Brad Wall and the Saskatchewan Party

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Please select one response for each item.

Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

Don’t Know

It is time for a change in Government in Saskatchewan

It’s better to stick with the NDP than take a chance on the Saskatchewan Party.

Brad Wall and the Saskatchewan Party have a hidden agenda.

The Saskatchewan Party wants Saskatchewan to be too much like Alberta.

Brad Wall and the Saskatchewan Party are too inexperienced and reckless to govern.

Lorne Calvert’s NDP is a tired, old government that has run out of new ideas.

As you may know, the NDP government has made some major new spending announcements in recent weeks.

Which one of these two positions is closest to your own?

Please select one response only.

The NDP is trying to buy votes before the next election.

The NDP is providing good government by creating new and necessary policies.

Don’t Know

Now, thinking about your life overall… For you, personally, what is more important – opportunity or security?

Please select one response only.

OPPORTUNITY is Much More Important

OPPORTUNITY is Somewhat More Important

SECURITY is Somewhat More Important

SECURITY is Much More Important

Don’t Know

Saskatchewan is currently experiencing an economic boom. Which one of these two positions is closest to your own?

Please select one response only.

The Calvert NDP government is largely responsible for this economic boom

The Calvert NDP government has had little or nothing to do with the economic boom

Don’t Know

Of the following provincial parties, which one would be the best party to turn the current economic boom into long-term growth and prosperity for Saskatchewan?

Please select one response only.

Saskatchewan Party

Liberal Party


Don’t Know

As you may know, Saskatchewan’s growing economy has caused housing shortages in parts of the province. How concerned are you about these housing shortages?

Would you say you are…

Please select one response only.

Very Concerned

Somewhat Concerned

Not Very Concerned

Not At All Concerned

Don’t Know

Thinking about these housing shortages in parts of Saskatchewan, which one of the following 2 viewpoints best represents your own?

Please select one response only.

The provincial government should step in right now and solve the housing shortage problem.

The provincial government should not interfere with the housing market right now – the market will soon generate more housing options.

Don’t Know

Thinking about this issue, please indicate how much you support or oppose the provincial government enacting rent controls to address the housing shortage.

Please select one response only.

Strongly support

Somewhat support

Somewhat oppose

Strongly oppose

Don’t Know

And, thinking about everything we’ve just discussed, who do you think would be best to lead as Premier of Saskatchewan over the next four or five years?

Please select one response only.

David Karwacki, Leader of the Liberal Party

Brad Wall, Leader of the Saskatchewan Party

Lorne Calvert, Leader of the New Democratic Party

Don’t Know

For each of the issues listed below, please indicate what party you would vote for if the next provincial election were mainly about the future of that issue.

Please select one response for each item.


Saskatchewan Party

Liberal Party

Some Other Party

Don’t Know / Undecided / Will Not Vote

The economy

Keeping young people in Saskatchewan

Crown corporations

Health care

You will be asked to view a short video on the next page.

Please turn your speakers on.

If you see a message such as the one below please select Yes.

Please click Next to continue.

How would you rate the technical quality of the picture and sound?

Please click the one response that best represents your viewing experience.

I was able to see and hear the video without any problems.

I watched, but the video or sound quality was not good.

I was not able to watch the whole video all the way through.

I could not see or hear the video

You will be asked to view a second short video on the next page.

If you see a message such as the one below please select Yes.

Please click Next to continue.

How would you rate the technical quality of the picture and sound?

Please click the one response that best represents your viewing experience.

I was able to see and hear the video without any problems.

I watched, but the video or sound quality was not good.

I was not able to watch the whole video all the way through.

I could not see or hear the video

You will be asked to view a final short video on the next page.

If you see a message such as the one below please select Yes.

Please click Next to continue.

How would you rate the technical quality of the picture and sound?

Please click the one response that best represents your viewing experience.

I was able to see and hear the video without any problems.

I watched, but the video or sound quality was not good.

I was not able to watch the whole video all the way through.

I could not see or hear the video

How likely are you to vote in the next provincial election?

Please select one response only.

Absolutely certain

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Not very likely

Not likely at all

The last provincial election was held in November 2003. To the best of your knowledge, which party did you vote for?

Please select one response only.

The Liberal Party candidate

The Saskatchewan Party candidate

The NDP candidate

Some Other Party’s candidate

Independent candidate

Can’t Remember

Did Not Vote / Could Not Vote / Spoiled Ballot

Will Not Say

Do you produce or raise any agricultural product or livestock in order to sell it?

Please select one response only.



The survey is now complete! Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and opinions with us today!

the Angus Reid Forum team


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